



The device is designed to provide a smooth regulation of the capacity with single or three phase active- inductive consumers (privately – asynchronous motors) within fixed levels. The device can be controlled manually or automatically by means of an analogue signal of 0-10 V. It provides a smooth start-up of the fan and an absence of a start-up current.


Technical data:

  • Opportunity for a control of single or three phase motors.
  • Nominal consumer output of 3.5kW.
  • Nominal power supply ~220V/380V.
  • Provides a protection against a wrong supply phase sequence with an indication.
  • Opportunity for fixing of a lower and upper revolution level of the regulation range.
  • Input of a protective thermo-contact of the motor with an indication
  • Opportunity for a manual or automatic control by outer signal 0-10V
  • Motor smooth start-up.
  • Warranty period of 24 months.


Regulator for fans with asynchronous motors – User manual. 186kB